Save The Warneet Jetties

The subnmission of tenders has recently passed.  There are two options for each jetty and Parks Victoria will be assessing the submissions with a view to appointing a contractor in spring.  The following is a recent update from our local MP Jordan Crugnale.

"Things are happening in Warneet, and I wanted to share some exciting information.


As you may know, the rebuild of Warneet North and South Jetties were part of 23/24 Budget’s $46m commitment to four priority local port areas.


On the 27th of April, we held an ‘All things Jetties’ Cuppa and Chat in Warneet at the foreshore community hall.  We were joined by the Minister for Ports and Freight Melissa Horne and over 70 locals to talk about the rebuild of the Warneet North and South Jetty.


The Minister came prepared with two sets of concept drawings. She spoke to the community about the tender process and answered questions about the project scope and timeframes. It was fantastic to have the Minister out here, engaging directly with locals. The conversations were invaluable, and we made sure that community feedback was taken in by Parks Victoria.


Design drawings

On the day I committed to sharing the design drawings with the wider community once they were available.


Warneet South Jetty

Both design options include a 200-metre-long jetty which is wider than the existing jetty and has a larger square metre footprint. Both designs come with steel piles, handrails, solar lighting, and a floating pontoon.


Warneet North Jetty

Both designs include a jetty which is wider than the existing jetty and has a larger square metre footprint. Both designs come with steel piles, handrails, solar lighting, and a low landing.

Note: These designs are not the final look. These are the design drawings that were supplied to prospective contractors in April as part of the tender process. The designs may be refined based on the community feedback already provided as well as safety, heritage, and budgetary requirements.


Why are there two designs?

The tender package included two design options for each of the jetties, the initial 2021 design, and an alternative option finalised in 2024. The alternative option ensures that at the conclusion of the tender process, Parks Victoria is in the best position to appoint a lead construction partner and progress to the delivery phase of the project, getting construction underway as quickly as possible.


What happens next?

The tender process in ongoing and a lead construction contractor anticipated to be appointed in Spring 2024. I will keep the community updated throughout this process.

Thank you and your local community for all your amazing activism, engagement and advocacy.

We are on the way!


Kindest Regards,

